Customer Testimonials - Page 35
Happy customer - USA - August 6, 2009
Dosages, Mood Swings
I began taking Macafem in April of 2008 when I was 49 years old. My mood swings were out of control and because I have a 4 year old who doesn't understand why mommy is upset all of the time, I needed to take action. I ordered the product and started taking three tablets a day. I noticed a difference within a couple of weeks. (... Read more)
Gina - USA - June 11, 2009
I suffered for so long with the extreme fatigue. Work was a problem because I was so exhausted I would begin to fall asleep. I have nodded off while driving nearly wrecking my care. 8 days into the supplement and it was better. Now I am near the end of my first bottle and I feel clear headed and alert for the first time in years. I tried(... Read more)
Julie - France - October 21, 2008
Anxiety, Dosages, Mood Swings, Sleep Disorders
I'm quite a cynical person and when I read the sort of thing I am about to write I always feel a bit suspicious. However, I've been taking Macafem for just over three weeks and it has made me feel so much better. Prior to this I would feel a bit disoriented and muddled sometimes, couldn't sleep very well and found I was feeling generally(... Read more)
Kate - Australia - July 8, 2008
Depression, Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Night Sweats
I would just like to say that Macafem has saved my life. For past 12 months I have been experiencing all the menopause symptoms, hot flushes (sometimes up to 30-40 a day) night sweats, depression you name it I had. I have tried every natural product that is available, and none of them have worked. My doctor was going to put me on HRT(... Read more)
Cynthia - USA - May 4, 2008
Anxiety, Dosages, Energy Levels, Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Sleep Disorders
I am 56 and thought I was getting through menopause pretty well with just mild hot flashes and some restless nights but suddenly the hot flashes started to get worse, my sex drive nose-dived down to nothing and I started experiencing severe nervous anxiety similar to panic attacks while at work to where I had to leave work in the middle(... Read more)
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