Customer Testimonials - Page 30
Gloria - USA - January 26, 2014
Hair Loss, Sleep Disorders, Weight Gain
I have been using Macafem on and off for over a period of two years. Recently I was put on a synthetic hormone and the side effects were awful. I stopped and starting using Macafem again. I love this product and it definately works. After one month of use I can see dramatic changes in my weight, my hair, my sleep, my complexion, and my(... Read more)
Margaret - USA - December 27, 2013
Changes in Odor
I am 60 years old, and Fugured I was finished with menapausal symptoms. But to much of my surprise, I began having a very strong body odor 6 months ago. I tried 10 different soaps, 12 different deodorants along with different supplements and foods. Even elimination of certain foods. 2-3 showers per day. Nothing seemed to work for any(... Read more)
Kathleen - USA - December 17, 2013
Dizziness, Irregular Heartbeat
I am 52 and had been suffering with heart palpitations and dizziness so bad I was afraid to go anywhere. A couple of times my husband and I had to leave what we were doing and go straight home so I could lay down. I went to my well women physician along with seeing a cardiologist because the palpitations were that bad. I saw your add on(... Read more)
Helen - United Kingdom - December 12, 2013
Depression, Fatigue, Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Night Sweats
Macafem has really saved my quality of life (and my relationship) I think it's a miracle!!
I could honestly say that I had every symptom going. Depression, 20+ hot flashes a day, night sweats which woke me up at least 3 times every night, constant exhaustion and having no sex drive being the worst ones. (... Read more)
Donna - USA - October 21, 2013
Headaches, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Sleep Disorders
OMG I have been on MacaFem for 8 days and I can not believe the results thus far. For the first three days on this product I did have insomnia and a mild headache which was nothing compared to the migraines I have suffered with for the past 8 years. My hot flashes only came to my chest and never made it to my head causing that funky(... Read more)
Louise - Thailand - October 11, 2013
Energy Levels
I am 68yrs old and I have finished my first bottle of Macafem I have found my energy levels have increased by 100% which was one my main concerns, I also feel so much better physically. I have tried many other natural products to increase my energy levels with no result. This product is excellent for wellbeing and increased energy. I am(... Read more)
Susan - USA - October 5, 2013
Hot Flashes, Irritability
This product is awesome! No hot flashes, no irritability..JUST HAPPY!
Thank you
Karolyn - USA - September 18, 2013
Energy Levels, Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Mood Swings, Night Sweats
AMAZING - the only way to describe Macafm!!!!! Thank you more than I can say for such a life changing product! I have been taking Macafem for 2 years now - it works so well that after having taken it for the first 6 months I thought that I was done with menopause and stopped - HUGE mistake - I wasn't done the Macafem was just that great!(... Read more)
Patricia - Canada - September 10, 2013
Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Mood Swings, Night Sweats
I've been using Macafem for over 2 years. I am 58 years old, deep into menopause with hot flashes, night sweats, bitchiness, loss of libido etc. Macafem gave me back my life! My libido returned within 2 weeks. My hot flashes & night sweats have been reduced by 90%. I can't buy Macafem in Canada & I tried to go without it but I was(... Read more)
Kaz - Australia - September 5, 2013
Night Sweats
This testimonial is to allay the concerns of any sceptics reading this site - which I certainly was until I tried this product. I am 42 and the increasing frequency of night sweats made sleeping uncomfortable and disrupted. Like many of the other women, I thought why not just give it a go? I cautiously ordered one bottle and have taken 2(... Read more)